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Results That Endure

We offer a range of consultancy services to suit our clients unique requirements. After an initial, in-depth discussion, we tailor a solution that will address the specific needs of your organisation or community. Your solution will support and encourage continued positive growth and will help you to align to strong core values.

Positive Organisational Outcomes include:

  • Reduced sick leave and absenteeism

  • High work satisfaction

  • Connected and supportive team

  • Reduced staff turnover (we got ours down to 2%!)

  • Employer of choice

  • Effective performance management- taking less time, and more productive

  • Staff report feeling empowered and trusted to do their jobs.

Restorative Journeys has taught this practice and framework in organisations, schools and communities Australia wide, with consistently successful outcomes. We have presented at conferences nationally and internationally and we have embedded Restorative Practice in a Youth Organisation and achieved 6th Best Workplace Culture in Australia. The Restorative Practices way of engaging is used to create and sustain positive teams, organisations and can be used to preserve the respectful culture of whole communities.


As our training has been developed and grounded in practice, Restorative Journeys is able to offer training and consultancy services according to the context and need of each organisation.

Our unique skills and experience include:

  • Tailored Restorative Practices training endorsed by the International Institute of Restorative Practice.

  • Designing and implementing a workforce development plan based on the Restorative Practice Framework.

  • Organisational change management and service delivery renewal.

  • Explicit application for the education and allied health services context.

  • Years of life and professional experience have awarded us with the knowledge that transformative value does not come from an add-on program, but from experiences of alignment. We are an organisation that practises what it preaches and acts in sync with its deepest purpose and values.

  • Our work with Youth Work organisations has driven our journey, and we have developed a unique approach to organisational change that we know works.

Our supported organisational change service can include, but is not restricted to:

  • Implementation practice sessions.

  • Development or update of organisational practice manuals.

  • Development or update of organisational policies and procedures.

  • Professional supervision.

We also offer Restorative Practice conversation facilitation for specific organisational, staff or other relational issues.

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